Okay so in my previous post I mentioned my favourite nursery rhymes. Truth is, I love singing them islamic nasheeds and hamds
A rendition of "Hush Little Baby" goes like this
Hush little Mohi, don't you cry
Mamas gonna sing you a lullaby
Hush little Mohi, pure and small
He created you, He created us all
Hush little Mohi, don't you fear
We're not alone when Allah's so near
Hush little Mohi, breathing so calm
He'll protect us, and keep us from harm
Hush little Mohi, calm and serene
You are a muslim, Islam is your Deen.
(I often replace the last line with my sons full names,
You are a muslim, Mohiyuddin
or You are a muslim, Benyamin ;-)
Another night time favourite is, by Dawud Wharnsby Ali, a Canadian ^_^ nasheed artist. All his songs are good, but this one is good for the end of the day. Its titled
"What Did I Do Today?"
Oh the moon has come
The day is done
The night has covered up the sun.
I have stood so often before you to pray
But I wonder Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I remember the words of Al-Fatiha?
Did I take time to thank you for all that I have?Did I call on you to guide my way?
Tell me, what did I do today?
I have whispered to you
As I made ruku
Subhana Rabiy'yal adheem.
But was my faith
Bright or grey?
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I smile at my brother?
Did I smile at my brother?
Was I kind to my mother?
Did I teach another something that I know
Or did my love of this world lead me astray?
Tell me, what did I do today?
Sami Allah hu liman hamida
Rabanna lakal hamd.
Sami Allah hu liman hamida
Rabanna lakal hamd.
La illaha il Allah.
La illaha il Allah.
Though I've bowed to you
with my face in the dust,
subhana raby'yal a'la
Did I turn to you
And did I obey?
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I use my mind?
Did I use my time?
If I search my heart what will I find?
The light of your guidance is a glimmering ray,
Tell me, what did I do toady?
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Another Nasheed can be done in both arabic or english, it's the all famous
"Tala Al Badaru Alayna" in arabic first
Tala al badaru alayna
Minta niyatil wada
Wajaba shukaruu alaynaa
Ma da alillahi daaaaa
Ayuhal Madaru shufina
Jitha bil amaril muttha
Jitha sharof til Madina
Marhabannn ya khair ada
O' the White moon rose over us
From the valley of wada
And we owe it to shall gratefulness
Where the call is to Allah
O' You who where raised amongst us
Coming with a word to be obeyed
You have brought to this city nobleness
Welcome best callers to Gods Way
And then I absolutely love zikr! I do it with my kids all the time, simple ones like
"La ilaha illalala, La ilaha Illalla, Muhammad Rasoolullah alayhi salatullah"
Or longer ones in english and arabic like
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah
Wa la ilaha Illalla Wallaa hu Akbar
Wala howla wa la quwata illa billa hi aliyul azeem
Glory be to Allah, all praise is due to Allah
There is no God but Allah, Allah is Great
All power and might belong to Allah, the most High, the Great!
The most important of course are the Quls. Especially the last 3. Alhamdullilah I recite them over my sons daily and nightly. I believe in hasad and I know its very real. The Creator of the world tells us that He has also created harm, and then has taught us how to protect ourselves. So why wouldn't we make it part of our routine? My mother recited them with me nightly, and even now if ever I'm afraid, I just recite them and I feel safe. So if you can do one thing with your children, recite Surah-Ikhlas, Surah-Falaq and Surah Nas over them daily and nightly!
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